How to Earn Points

We are excited to launch the Hunton Store to you, our Hunton Family. As part of our Hunton Cares program, this is just one more way to show our appreciation and recognition for all that you do.

The Marketing Department will be managing the program, which is based on a point system. You are responsible for submitting your points to marketing via email at,, and they will upload them to your account.

“How do I earn points for some Hunton swag?”

  • New Hire Surveys
  • Helping Marketing with Jobsite Photos
  • You’ve Been Noticed
  • Hunton Anniversaries
  • Participating in Community Events
  • E-Learning
  • “Near Miss” Reporting
  • Site Visits with Safety Staff
  • Participating in Blood Drives
  • Hazard Observations
  • Participating in Safety Programs
  • Attending Raymond James Consulting Lunches
  • Being Recognized by a Manager
  • and the list goes on...

Your managers and supervisors will have access to a “You’ve Been Noticed” Points Pad and can give points for the above items listed, or as they seem fit.